quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2009

Q & A with Ross Brawn

Vejam esta entrevista com Ross Brawn na Autosport.com: LINK
Achei muito legal a resposta abaixo, o que para mim explica um pouco sobre alguns problemas que a Red Bull está tendo e até o Barricas para bater o Button.

Q. You do everything perfect at every race, but Red Bull seem not to be able to deliver when they have the opportunity . Is it slightly disappointing for you that they are not able to take you on?
RB: I don't want to comment on other people's performance. All I know is that it is very fickle, very fine, and when you've got the confidence and when you've got the impetus behind you, you can make it look easy. But it's not. Equally, when it goes wrong, it goes wrong for the smallest reasons. They're trying to catch up, and I know, I've been in their position – when you want to catch someone up, you tend to push the boundaries a bit more.
You can't afford to be conservative; you've got to maybe take a few more risks. Certainly I have been in that position. But when you do that, you do tend to perhaps have more problems than you'd hoped. So it's very fickle, the difference between the sort of performance that we have and perhaps the performance that they had today.

2 comentários:

  1. Blog de luto pelo acidente na Nascar com o piloto Carlos Pardo.
    Infelizmente é o risco que existe nas corridas...

  2. E destaque positivo pra vitória da Peugeot nas 24 horas de LeMans, batendo a Audi....
